Tag Archives: Hamilton County School Board

Dr. Jim Scales—”Moving Towards Excellence” by Moving Him Out!




Hamilton County Schools Supt. Jim Scales on Wednesday told members of the Hamilton County Council of PTAs that parents should not be too dismayed by upcoming low test scores. The topic was “Moving Towards Excellence” as he spoke to the 27 members present, each representing various schools throughout the county.

“We have the knowledge, we have the skills and we have the will to do what is right for our children.”

Then why in-the-hell aren’t you using them!

“Moving Towards Excellence?” Move Jim Scales Towards the Exit Sign with the Swinging Door!

Harry Statel


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The Credit Union Dash for the Cash—Wal-Mart Here I Come!

WEE-WEE-WEE all the way to the credit union!

No use letting the grass grow under my hooves.

It’s time to do a little price roll-backing of my own.

We"ll be Watching for you!

Retirement Pay Check Was Dispatched Quickly To Boydston Credit Union Account
Other Board Members Were Unaware As They Debated Canceling Benefit


Other Posts Regarding the Hamilton County School Board




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Harry Statel


Bedbugs verses the Common Politician—The Bedbugs Won’t Kill You, but “Politicks” Will!

© Harry Statel 2010

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Harry Statel


Hamilton County School Board-Janice Wets Her Snout, Opens Purse, Taxpayer Money Falls In

Boydston: “I didn’t go on [the school board] for money. I didn’t go on it for a benefit. If the law says I’m entitled to it, if any board member is entitled to it, they should have it.”

“It’s mine. I’m entitled to it.”

Janice Boydston

“I’m going to Wal-Mart.  Anyone seen my purse?”

Harry Statel


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Hamilton County School Board Group Photo—SOOOOO-EEEEEEE!

Hamilton County School Board Members Pose for a group photo after voting themselves a Retirement Benefit. Jancie Boydston cried ,"Wee, Wee, Wee", all the way home!

Fresh from the Porker’s Mouth—An Interview with a Big Pig.

SOOOO-EEEEEE!  This here’s a open season on them taxpayers.  Some of the cousins reckoned we’d not had enough time at the trough, what with them folks over the City Hall getting so much. So we’uns at the Hamilton County School Board and Rubber Stamp Club thought we get us one of them there welfare retirement benefits.  And by cracky, we done it.

We’uns in hog heaven jest a’ rooting around the manure pile, looking for tasty morsels off the Taxpayer Gravy Train.  It ain’t been the same since Uncle Jesse took off with Cousin Fred and went a high-tailing it to Nashville, taking his punch-board games with him.

But then, Dr. Jimbo came to us, why he was just a runt in them days, and we nursed him up mighty fine and ‘Praise the Lord’, how he packed the lard on thick. We’uns expecting though, that them taxpayer peoples will get wise to him sooner or later, and he have to skedaddle too. Meanwhile, Dr. Jimbo been powerfully good to us and we’uns been good to Dr. Jimbo.

Praise Jesus and Dr. Jimbo, now we’uns get to drive that Gravy Train too!

“All Aboard!,” shouted our cousin and chief engineer, Little Kenny Smith, still smarting from the whupping he got at the woodshed a few weeks ago. It was close one too; if only a few more dead men had voted, Lil’ Kenny would have been in the catbird’s seat, up where’s there’s real money to git with the Big Bosses.

But for now, Lil’ Kenny is a trying to figure out how to pay back that load of corn he got from them union city-slickers.  They don’t like giving away corn without something in the way of re-ward. But don’t you worry none about Lil’ Kenny. He’s soon going off to that great Local BR459, and talk about his glory days as School Board member where he served with his big hoof on the till. And how he managed to pull that off! Them kids getting dumber, the teachers getting the John Deere shaft, and we’s as happy as pigs in slop.

And Lordy, that there Miss Janice! Why she’s a all fired-up about them taxpayers not understanding her predicament. She’s gots to pay them lawyering bills she run up with Ol’ Master Sam Robinson, that there attorney fellow. Master Sam likes the high life, and he don’t cotton to thems that don’t pays.  Course, that Miss Janice she likes her lady paints, lipsticks, and soda waters and I reckon that’s the reason she’s a tore up about them taxpayers finding out about her voting herself a little taste to wet her beak.

Now, now, Miss Janice. Don’t you fret none. I sees where you and the rest of the cousins will be a getting that top dollar insurance for nearly nothing. On Lordy, Miss Janice. You sure do have a way with sleight-of-hand and pulling a fast one.

Now there’s a few more cousins at the trough, too.  There’s Mr. Ricks, but don’t be talking to him. He’s scared, mighty scared. He says folks been a calling him, threatening him by using bad, bad words like, “I’m a taxpayer.” And that frightens Mr. Rick. So talk real soft like, ’cause we’uns don’t want Mr. Rick to get the vapors.

Then there’s that Mr. Jeffrey Wilson. Now there’s a real traveling man. Mr. Jeff sure would like to be at the next meeting, but he’s got a vacation going on next week. I ain’t never seen a man make vacation plans so quick as that Mr. Jeff. He’s a regular jack rabbit when the revenuers come sniffing around. Have a good time Cousin Jeff! Send us one of them penny postcards when you get to your hideout!

There’s that pretty fellow, Cousin Chip. He’s kinda of quiet, but can sure put the evil-eye on you. He conjures up spirits that pull mischief and stick their paws in just about everything around, but the manure justs seems to roll of his hog-back. We don’t trust Cousin Chip, ’cause you ain’t never sure what he’s a thinking, (Cousin Janice said she’d seen him eat his own piglets) but this time his thinking was just where we wanted it to be—on getting us some seed money, and Lord we’ seed and struck the motherload.

And we’uns are might powerful pigs too. We’s got them school children in our greasy little hooves, and can make their mammys and pappys squeal when we say. Who says country pigs ain’t clever?

And you know the wonderful, All-American thing about it? The government sends us checks for all this eating, and grunting, and farting around we do in the trough.

Yes sir, it’s good to be a big pig in this town. Power to the Pigs!

Harry Statel


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Just in time for Festivus, Christmas, Chanukah, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s “Great Meat-Balls of Fall” festival!

Just in time for Festivus, Christmas, Chanukah, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s “Great  Meat-Balls of Fall” festival!

It’s Exciting (to us), Not New, and Greatly Unimproved!  Voted (in a secret meeting) as the Number 1 Item on the Political Hacks’ Gift-Giving List!

It’s the Littlefield “Ronco ‘Crap-o-Matic’ Machine!”

Perfect for those special interests, lobbyists, bagmen, patronage bureaucrats, and other ne’erdowells on your payoff list.

The“Ronco ‘Crap-O-Matic’ Machine”! It does nothing at all, yet gives you that warm feeling running down your leg, magically helps you lose weight in your wallet and pockets, and delivers free Rainbow Stew for those feeding at the public trough.

Guaranteed to suck money from taxpayers and collect coins for political partnerships and paybacks.

Great for those public-private developments, unemployable politicians, and teeny-tiny people clamoring for crumbs from the Ronco table.

Yes, join your friends and neighbors under the “Big Brown Refrigerator Box” at the Farmer’s Market Watergate Shelter while Ronco promotes another worthless waste of your money!

Your “Crap-O’-Matic” will be delivered to your tax-foreclosed home by none other than “Wocky, the Wat”  ( http://wp.me/p10KwY-86 ) in a plain brown manila envelope designed  by the $105,000.00 director of the Department of Education, Arts, and Cultural Affairs” and her lollygaggers at $200.00 per envelope (It’s-For-the-Children to Connect-the-Knotheads).

Act Now and we’ll give you Free the DVD everyone’s talking about! Hear Chattanooga City Council’s beautiful recordings of political holiday classics.

Enjoy such Council favorites as “While Shepherds Screw Their Flocks by Night”, “Away in a Manger I Hide All My Cash”, “O Holey Pants, I Think I Lost My Payoff” and that perennial favorite “O Come Annexation, Let Us Take More Money” as only the Council can accomplish. Two rolls of City Charter toilet paper as inspected by attorneys and declared “Just Right” enclosed with each bribe, payoff, contract, order.

AS a special gift, we’ll included the new “Storm-water Fees In-A-Box.” Just pay the outrageous shipping and handling charges (governments, Volkswagen, and assorted special-interests get free delivery). Matter-of-fact, we’ll charge you ten times the usual fee. Why? Because we can!

But Wait!–There’s More! We’ve contacted our friends at the Hamilton County School Board Retirement Group and made a deal.

For a limited time, we’re giving away Free autographed photos of Hammy, The Hamilton County School Board Pig! ( http://wp.me/p10KwY-bo ) Signed by the current and retiring Hamilton County School Board members while wallowing in their retirement benefits they voted for themselves! All you have to do is remove the excrement from the photograph when it arrives! (Just pay separate processing and handling fees forever.)

Make it a special Holiday Season this year! Send your money (cash only, we don’t like a paper trail) to:

Mr. Hankey
Office for Our Sustainability
101 E. 11th Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402

Make it a “Crap-o-Matic” Holiday Season!

Harry Statel


Hammy, The Hamilton County School Board Pig

“It was stupid of me to not have my hands in the money, stupid of me if my hands weren't open, but there was no intent,” Hammy said at the time of the incident.

County School Board Members Vote Themselves Retirement Pay
Outgoing Members, Including Janice Boydston With 29 Years, To Be Covered


August 25, 2011  For Immediate Release

The Hamilton County School Board introduces their new mascot — Hammy, the Educational Pig.

At a cost of millions of taxpayer’s dollars, the Hamilton County School Board members have voted themselves retirement pay.  That’s right, they voted to give themselves a perpetual turn at the taxpayer money machine.

Janice Boydston said, “I’m tickled to death. Everybody else gets it, so why shouldn’t we? All of the board members work hard.”

To celebrate the School Boards successful efforts at turning the taxpayer tap, a smoking, shadowy-figure in the manure-rich stables suggested a mascot, a visible symbol that represents those Hamilton County School Board members courageously voting for more swill.

After a nod-and-a-wink agreement (invoices, retainers, talking points to follow) with the “Smoking Manure-Man”, Hammy was introduced to the board. SMM said “Hammy will let the world know what we’re made of.”

Janice Boydston said, “I’m tickled to death. Everybody else gets it, so why shouldn’t we? All of the board members work hard.”

The Birth of a Mascot! Let’s Hear it for the Squealers!

Those Hamilton County School Board members voting to give themselves retirement deserve your attention.  When you see them, whether at work, school, in court, or by the side of the road with “Community Services”,  salute their grand efforts with a finger-wave and a deep-throated grunt! Show them how much you care!


After the festive mood at the Hamilton County School Board’s “Free Lunch for Us” program, an incident involving Hammy occurred at a local convenience store.  Hammy was arrested after finding lost money.

Hammy said, ” I was just minding my own business, when all of a sudden I found this money, behind the checkout line, in a locked cash register.  Before I knew it, my hooves had punched in the codes to open the register, and miraculously, the till fell into my udder.  It was all an accident, there was not intent.”

We send Hammy our best wishes for a quick return (the bail bondsman is on the way).

Our school kids need role models. God Bless You, Hammy!

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Harry Statel
